City of Vista
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Finance & Budget Reports
The Finance Department is responsible for managing all financial activities of the City of Vista. The Finance Department oversees the City’s revenues, expenditures, investments, accounting, and debt. The department also provides dependable, efficient service to the City Council, City Manager, all City departments, employees, suppliers of goods and services, bond holders, and the general public. In addition to planning for and monitoring the City’s fiscal health, the Department also prepares all necessary financial reports and complies with audit requirements.
- Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR)
- Operating and Capital Budgets
- Quarterly Financial Reports
- Cities Financial Transactions Report
- State Controller's Reports
- Treasurer's Monthly Cash Reports
- GANN Appropriations Limit
- Independent Registered Municipal Advisor Certification
- Online Resources
General Information
- San Diego County Property Tax Bill (explanation of various assessments)
- Treasury (Investment Advisory Committee) 760.643.5367
- Assessment Districts/CFD Administration 760.643.5360
Unclaimed Money
The Escheat Policy is established to provide a mechanism to deal with checks that have been issued by the City of Vista and not cashed by the payee for three or more years.
Periodically, the City will have published a list of uncashed checks over $15.00 that were issued three (3) or more years ago. Lists, when published, will appear once a week for two successive weeks in the local newspaper. When applicable, the notice will include the individual or business name as shown on the issued check, the amount of the issued check and the fund in which it is held. Forty-five (45) days after the initial public notice, if the check remains unclaimed, the money shall become the property of the City of Vista and placed in its General Fund (California Government Code Sections 50050 and 50051). To learn how to request unclaimed funds, click Here.
Sewer Billing
Finance: 760.639.6170
Sewer Billing: 760.639.6139 or
Business Licenses: 760.639.6174
Fax: 760.639.6171