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Climate Action Plan
The City of Vista’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) provides a comprehensive roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and address the challenges of climate change in the city. The City first adopted a CAP in 2012 and was updated most recently in 2021. The CAP sets an ambitious goal to reduce emissions 42% below 2012 levels by 2030. The CAP identifies seven strategies and 13 measures to help the City reach its GHG reduction goals, which are listed below.
Increase Use of Zero-Emission/Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Measures & Goals
T-1: Transition to a Clean and More Efficient Municipal Vehicle fleet
T-2: Increase Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Public Facilities
T-3: Require Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at New Multi-Family and Commercial Developments
Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled
Measures & Goals
T-4: Participate in the San Diego Association of Government’s iCommute Vanpool Program
T-5: Implement the City’s Bicycle Master Plan
T-6: Increase Density and Mixed-Use Development
Reduce Fossil Fuel Use
Measures & Goals
T-7: Require Electric-Powered or Alternative Fueled Construction Equipment
Increase Building Energy Efficiency
Measures & Goals
E-1: Implement Energy Efficient Projects in Municipal Facilities
Increase Renewable and Zero-Carbon Energy
Measures & Goals
E-2: Continue Photovoltaic Installation at Municipal Facilities
E-3: Join a Program to Increase Grid-Supply Renewable and Zero-Carbon Electricity
Reduce and Recycle Solid Waste
Measures & Goals
W-1: Reduce Solid Waste Disposal and Increase Recycling
Carbon Sequestration
Measures & Goals
C-1: Increase Tree Planting at Municipal Facilities and Public Rights-of-Way
C-2: Increase Tree Planting at New Private Properties
T=transportation, E=energy, W=solid waste, C=carbon sequestration
CAP Implementation Updates
The City is continuously and actively working to implement projects that align with the different strategies and measures called out in the CAP. City staff provide an annual update on the implementation of the CAP to City Council in the first week of October. The next update is scheduled for Thursday, October 3rd at 5:30pm in the Council Chambers.
- The previous CAP Update was held on October 5th 2023
- Watch the workshop here
- Or Click Here to read the Agenda Report
Additionally in November 2023, the City Council voted on a default energy choice for the city with our new energy provider Clean Energy Alliance, a community choice energy program. Vista residents and businesses can anticipate CEA service launch in April 2024.
What is a Climate Action Plan?
A CAP is a long-range plan that outlines specific strategies to reduce GHG emissions. The City of Vista’s CAP sets a baseline for past and current GHG emissions, includes forecasts of future emissions, and establishes targets to help reduce future emissions. In the long term, the CAP will also achieve multiple community goals such as creating a cleaner Vista, reducing air pollution, supporting local economic development, and improving public health and quality of life.
California’s GHG Reduction Targets
The state has taken several steps to reduce GHG emissions and respond to the threat of global climate change. Two key pieces of legislation have codified California’s GHG reduction targets.
- Reduce GHG emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 (a target established by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32).
- Reduce GHG emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030, and to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 (targets establish by Senate Bill 32 in 2016).
Related Resources
- City’s Climate Action Plan 2021 Update
- City's Climate Action Plan Appendices
- Vista General Plan 2030, 2011 and associated Program EIR
- SANDAG’s Climate Action Data Portal
- San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative
- Clean Energy Alliance Energy Options
- California Air Resources Board, Climate Change Programs
- NASA’s Climate Change Dashboard
Cassidy McCarthy
Climate Action Plan Program Administrator