City of Vista
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Developing Affordable Housing
The Housing Division engages in partnerships with lenders, developers, nonprofits, and state/federal agencies to increase the availability of affordable housing options. This involves offering incentives, implementing policies, and providing direct financial assistance. Various tools are employed in this effort, such as Housing Authority, Inclusionary Housing, and Development Incentives (including Density Bonus, Incentives, and Waivers).
The City of Vista employs diverse strategies and resources to foster and sustain affordable housing development within the city. Typically, private banks, Federal Tax Credits, developer fees, and the City's local affordable housing fund finance affordable housing projects. All housing supported by the City of Vista, whether financed or incentivized (e.g., through density bonuses, waivers, and incentives), comes with affordability restrictions on some or all of its units. Developer Resources include:
- City of Vista Inclusionary Housing Ordinance
- California State Density Bonus Law
- City of Vista Development Code
- San Diego County Area Median Income (AMI) and Income Limits
- Utility Allowance Schedule
- Affordable Housing Costs (Rental and For-Sale)
The city also provides local financial resources, offering gap financing and tax-exempt bond issuance for multifamily rental housing projects' development or acquisition/rehabilitation within Vista. These resources encompass Inclusionary Housing In-lieu Funds and funds from Low/Moderate-Income Housing Assets remaining from redevelopment.
For those interested in developing affordable housing in the community, please contact:
Eric Bunge
Housing Program Manager