Traffic Engineering

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The Traffic Engineering Division is responsible for the design, installation, and monitoring of traffic signals, signs, road markings, and other measures to ensure the safe and efficient flow of traffic on city streets.

  • Traffic Signal Timing
  • Roadway Signs, Markings & Striping
  • Evaluations for Intersection Control (Traffic Signals and Stop Signs)
  • Parking
  • Speed Limits
  • Neighborhood Traffic Calming
  • Review Development Plans & Traffic Studies
  • Review Traffic Control Plans for Construction and for Special Events
  • Capital Improvement Projects

Traffic Requests

New Non-Maintenance Requests
If you have any traffic concerns or requests such as speeding concerns, parking issues, a request for a new stop sign or a traffic signal, a request to make changes to existing road signage or road markings, problems with signal timing or traffic congestion and similar non-maintenance issues, you can make a traffic request using one of the following methods:

The Traffic Engineering Division will evaluate all requests and follow up with the person making the request in 4 to 6 weeks and will report on the results of the evaluation.

Maintenance Requests
For maintenance requests such as a streetlight out, a flashing red traffic signal, faded signs & road markings, potholes, knocked down signs & poles, etc., you can submit a maintenance request using one of the following methods:

For urgent after-hours maintenance issues, contact the Public Works Department at 760.639.6177.

Average Daily Traffic Volumes (ADT)

Vista ADT Map

Traffic Commission

Traffic Calming Program

The City has adopted a Traffic Calming Program  (Spanish version) as a means of addressing concerns about the speed of traffic through residential areas. The program involves a four phase process which begins with the implementation of less intrusive measures, such as signs, markings and increased enforcement. More extensive or costly measures involving construction of various roadway features, such as roadway channelization or physical traffic calming features, can only be considered as a final option if other measures have not proved effective.

Transportation Analysis Impact Guidelines

Traffic Control Plans

Traffic Control Plans are required for any construction activity or special event that will disrupt traffic flow on city streets, and must be prepared in accordance with the CA MUTCD and the San Diego Regional Standard Drawings. The traffic control plans must be prepared by a licensed traffic control company or a licensed Traffic Engineer. 

Traffic control plans for construction are normally submitted as part of an Encroachment application  (Sewer Lateral application) through the Engineering Department. Contact 760.643.5417 for more information on Encroachment.

Traffic control plans for special events are submitted with a special event permit through the Human Resources/Risk Management Department. Special Events: 760.643.5377.

Haul Routes

A Haul Route Permit is required for the transportation of excavated or fill material to and from the site of any grading operation. Please complete a Haul Route Permit Application and email it to Roger Brenzel. Contact 760.643.5417 for more information. 

Oversize/Overweight Permits

The movement of oversized or overweight (as defined in the California Vehicle Code) vehicles, equipment, or structures on city streets requires a special permit. In addition, the city has established a system of truck routes where legally loaded vehicles in excess of 7 tons gross vehicle weight can travel. Please see the Wide Load Permit application and Instructions for details.

Temporary Parking Permits

Traffic Engineering can issue temporary permits to park in certain posted “No Parking” zones on a case by case basis. A Temporary Parking Permit must be completed and submitted in person to the Traffic Engineering Division for processing an approval. Please contact Traffic Engineering at 760.643.5426 to make an appointment for permit processing.

Traffic Congestion Management Plan


Congestion was identified as one of the top City Council priorities in the last two goal setting cycles. City staff with the assistance of a consultant developed a traffic congestion management plan.  The plan identified and ranked projects to address congestion. The final report is available here.  The report appendices are available upon request.
Guidelines for the Preparation of Traffic Signal Design Plans

Traffic Engineering completed guidelines for the preparation of traffic signal design plans intended primarily for use by developers and engineers. This provides equipment and installation as well as design standards tailored to City requirements.  Guidelines for the Preparation of Traffic Signal Design Plans

Uniform Guidelines 

All traffic signs and markings must conform to uniform standards contained in the "California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices." There are three categories of signs: Regulatory, Warning, and Guide Signs.

Recent Grant Applications

The Traffic Engineering Division hired a consultant last year to put together planning studies for the Townsite and Emerald Drive areas of the City. The studies included engaging the residents in these areas through interactive community workshops to identify traffic issues in their neighborhoods and work on solutions. The consultant and City staff developed final reports for these two studies and submitted grant applications to the State to fund the proposed improvements. The Townsite area was awarded a $3.968 million grant. Unfortunately, the Emerald Drive project was not selected to receive grant funding.


Traffic Engineering
200 Civic Center Drive, 1st Floor, Vista CA 92084